Moving out to the terrace

This weekend we finally moved outside and let the outdoor season begin. The terrace becomes the new livingroom and diningroom. Just like most people I love eating and drinking outside and I think it’s a deep, almost primal desire we all share. As much as I love eating outdoor I also love cooking outside so I improvised a little outdoorkitchen. Nothing complicated or fancy, all the contrary. A small, simple and flexible kitchen that I can move around and easily store away if I want. You really don’t need that much to cook outside.

I also put up some windshields made of straw or reed, well actually it gives more protection from the sun than the wind. But I mainly put it up so it would create a sense of a room. It gives a bit of privacy as well. Usually I put up white curtains and a ‘sailroof’ but this year I wanted to try someting different.

It turned out to be a bit too long and I was just about to cut the part hanging done as a curtain when I realized that it kind of was cozy with it hanging down. It really created a sense of a room and thats exactly what I like when creating spaces outside. So I left it long but added some thin ribbons so I can roll it and tie it when I want too. Just like a blind curtain. Next step is to clean up our barbeque and move it here next to the stove. Now I can do all the cooking out here, otherwise I always had to boil the rice or potatos innide in the kitchen while we barbequed the rest outside. It feels a lot easier now and since I love simplifying and making life uncomplicated this turned out to be a great idea.

Slow flowers matter

Let’s talk about slow flowers for a moment and why they matter. I talk a lot about gardening lately but it’s the season so I hope you don’t mind. This year I’m planting and growing more flowers than ever before. I’m growing them from seed and mixing perrenials with annual flowers. Last year I learned about growing food and vegetables thanks to the TV Crew of ‘En bondgård mitt i stan’ (A farm in the city) This year I feel ready to learn more about growing flowers by myself. As local and fresh as it gets.
The Slow Flower movement was inspired by the same philosophical tenets of the similarly named Slow Food and Slow Fashion movements.  It suggests we take a mindful look at where our flowers come from and who grows them, for the health of the planet but for our own health as well.
Slow Flowers for me means first of all seasonal flowers. There is a certain magic that comes from focusing on what nature has to offer in any particular season, whether that’s the first colors of spring, or the warm palette of autumn. People tend to fixate on certain types of flowers, but there is so much more to discover when we think seasonally. You will likely find new beauty in flowers you never knew existed or maybe even rediscover some old favorites from childhood, like the zucchini flowers in your grandmother’s garden.

Slow vs conventional flowers
Slow Flower farmers use sustainable, organic growing practices to maintain the overall health of their farm’s ecosystem and the health of their flowers. On the other hand,  conventional store-bought bouquets are often full with cancer causing chemicals. The National Wildlife Federation reports there is virtually “no limit” on the amount of pesticides used by floral importers.  Most cut flowers are imported from other countries. Importers are required to pass strict inspection requirements and as a result, use untold amounts of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides on their flowers to ensure that they get to market as quickly as possible.  

Growing your own flowers or supporting local flower farmers means your flowers’ travel times are much smaller, unlike imported flowers that require large amounts of fossil fuels to get to where they are going, which leads to the next point about quality…

Because your flowers don’t have to travel far, they are usually cut within a day or so of your purchase, your flowers are fresher and will likely last longer than conventional bouquets.

Ethically Grown

Most flower farmers grow organically which means happier healthier soils, water, flowers & pollinators.  Choosing a slow flower bouquet says, “I’ve made a conscious choice. It’s a choice that reflects my support of a healthier lifestyle for my planet and for myself.”  

If you liked this post there’s a pretty big chance you like this one on ‘Slow gardening’ too

Gardening is good for the soul

My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece. – Claude Monet

It was only last year that I started my journey as a gardener for real and if I confess I wasn’t really sure if I was going to feel the same way towards gardening as last year. But as the weather continues to warm and the ground slowly thaws, I’m back out there again. Putting lots of seeds in the ground, planning and dreaming about my herbal garden and potager.

So I guess my feelings towards gardening remained and perhaps even evolved into something deeper. This year I feel a lot more confident and calm and I know what to grow.

I love planting both healthy green things to eat but I’m adding more flowers to brighten up our garden this year.

I have also realized that gardening is more than just a fun hobby – it’s also a way to reduce stress and ease anxiety. And even though I started gardening during a time when most of our plans for the summer looked a lot different because of Covid-19, I learned that the benefits of gardening also provided some much needed respite form the daily stress.

I feel a bump in serotonin as soon as i’m out in my garden or greenhouse, and we all know how serotonin can help ease anxiety. The fresh air and the healthy bacteria inhaled thanks to the soil is also a simple but effective remedy to all sorts of ailments.

The other obvious benefit of taking up gardening is the ability that you have to grow something and experience the process of cultivating and caring for your own vegetables. From my experience, there aren’t many things more satisfying than a fresh carrot straight from the garden, pickling our home grown beans, or picking squash flowers off the vine as summer turns to fall.

Certainly not everyone has the space to grow an extensive vegetable garden, my gat isn’t big at all, but even a small plot or a window box or container can give you the opportunity to grow herbs, spices, chives, or flowers. Simple staples in the kitchen don’t need vast gardens to grow and the satisfaction of your harvest, no matter how big can help to bring a sense of satisfaction that just can’t compare to going to the grocery store.

Finally, working in the garden through the summer gives your outdoor space a purpose and can bring pure enjoyment from simply stepping outside. Planting flowers or a vegetable garden will bring a sense of life and growth to your yard while also utilizing the space for practical and beautiful growth.

The work I put into our garden encourages us to spend more time outdoors getting the fresh air and sunshine we so desperately need.

So I’m planting seeds in the soil and feeding my soul as they grow. You should try it too.

Love Lina

Sustainable renovation with microcement

In collaboration with Italian Art Mikrocement

Our kitchen just got a facelift, a sustainable renovation with microcement. I’m beyond happy with the result. Minimal but warm. Modern but at the same time utterly timeless. Calm and simple.
If I had to choose only one typy of material or product when it comes to renovating sustainably I would choose microcement without hesitation. It’s stronger than regular cement-based mixtures and its also suitable for just about any surface, tile, laminate, wood and many more. Microcement is also a very eco-friendly and sustainable option in different aspects. You dont need to tear out exixting surfaces if you want to give your house a new look. Maybe the bathroom tile or the kitchen countertop is in good and functional condition but you don’t like the look and feel of it. Then microcement is a great option. You just cover the existing surface with it. The less we throw away and recycle instead, the better. You can also choose pretty much any color you want -However I chosed the natural unpigmented color of the microcement. I think it’s perfect just as it is. We applied the microcement on the counterop and on the old backsplash tile for a smooth and seamingless finish.

What is microcement?

Microcement is a blend of cement, fine aggregates and polymers, along with a waterproof sealant that makes it ideal for kitchens and bathrooms. It also creates a joint-free finish that’s super-easy to clean. It’s long-lasting, making it a good choice for your economy and the earth. Like all cement products, it takes a bit of time and a few layers to make microcement, but once it’s installed, it will last indefinitely. There’s also very little waste created during the application. And once it’s applied, no volatile emissions are emitted. Microcement also has a lower carbon footprint. ‘Tiles, marble and other traditional finishes are heavy and come with a larger CO2 cost when it comes to transporting them, ‘This finish is lighter, and therefore it has a much lower CO2 cost.’ The secret to success with microcement is to make sure the underlying layer is firm and won’t move or crack. The colors, textures and styles are pretty endless.

Can you apply microcemnt by yourself?

Many of you ask if its possible to apply it by yourself and the answer is yes you can. I’ve done it twice already. You need patience, a steady hand, great tools and a soft touch. However this time I got help from a true proffessional that uses only the very best quality of microcement; a Italian brand called Nikkolor.
-And yes, there’s definitely a huge difference between different brands. I realize that now that I can compare. There’s also a difference between how my own work with microcemt looks compared to the one that ‘Italian Art Mikrocement‘ applied in my kitchen.

Discount code

If you live in the Stockholm area I have a very nice discount code for you. 10% off with code ‘linapaciello’.
so if you ever thought about renovation sustainably with microcement I can highly recommend ‘Italian art Mikrocement’. You can also apply the ROT-avdrag on top of the 10% which gives you a 60% discount.

Before and after

We had a fully functional countertop and tile before. But I did’t like the highgloss countertop and I had painted the tile as a provisional solution until we would apply the microcement. I also sold our stove and bought another one (secondhand) that I think suits the kitchen better. Less modern, more timeless. It’s not a huge difference but it’s in the details as they say and I’m extremly pleased with the change.

Embracing slow gardening

Since slow living is all about a mindset it naturally encompasses all areas of our lives and applies to everything from what we eat to how we decorate our homes. Like slow interiors, slow fashion and slow food, slow gardening is inspired by the slow food move that i grew up with, which began in the 1980s in Italy.

Slow gardening is the only way I can and want to grow my garden. It consist in the idea that good things take time – the seasons, after all, can’t be hurried. (Especially not in Sweden). There used to be a time years ago where I would rush to the garden centre on the first sunny weekend of spring, to buy plants and flowers. But a genuine and poetic garden takes time to grow. Thats the beauty of it. You create a story and a journey.

Slow vs fast gardening

I was never really happy with those plants I bought, I mean the result.. it it’s like fast food and slow food. Slow gardening takes a longer term approach which follows the changes of the seasons. Slow gardening should leave you with something to work with, plan and look at 12 months out of the year. Less instant gratification for the summer and rapid garden makeovers and more enjoyment in the slow process. Thats why I particularly love perennials..– plants that return year on year and buxom since they are green all year round. I also enjoy drying plants and collecting seeds like today with these dry wild cilantro. To separate the tiny seeds and then watch them grow.

Slow gardening is about the pleasure in nurturing plants and growing your own produce and rejects the idea of a perfect garden. Slow gardening doesn’t mean being lazy, rather it supersedes the idea of strict checklists and unnecessary stress with a focus on personal and environmental well-being. It’s satisfying, rather than a chore. I feel that there is enough stress in our daily life and I don’t want my garden to add to it. Rather the opposite.

Much like the slow food movement which emphasizes with local food traditions and a strong connection with the food, eating mindfully, slow gardening results in a stronger connection to the earth and natural world. It makes me feel more grounded. The slow garden and the slow food movement are closely intertwined, helping us to repair the broken connection between growing and eating your produce and food. To grow your own flowers or food automatically gives you more perspective and respect for mother nature. Something we could all use more of.

In short, slow gardening is for me is:

  • Enjoying and finding satisfaction in the process of gardening, rather than achieving instant gratification and ignoring others’ view of what makes a perfect garden.
  • Feeling more connected to the natural world, where our food comes from and the local environment.
  • Understanding the whole cycle of nurturing your soil with food scraps, growing flower and produce, collecting the seeds and drying them during winter so you can sow again in spring.
wild dry cilantro ready to collect the seeds

Embracing Slow Gardening

  • To adopt a slow gardening mindset, I would recommend remove the parts of gardening that you find stressful. Don’t like cutting the grass, or feel mowing and fertilising isn’t very sustainable? Then embrace lawn alternatives, such as wild flowers – there are no rules for what you should have in your own garden. A minimal garden with lots of stones is also an option.
  • Respect and encourage wildlife to thrive in your garden.
  • Use fewer power tools, and instead use hand or manual tools. To use the hands and the body feels good and makes it easier to connect with the earth.
  • Reuse and recycling items in the garden for innovative containers. 
  • For the best chances of success (with less effort), choose plants that will thrive in your garden without excessive care.
  • And finally, experiment in growing your own fresh produce. If I could learn so can you.

I found that slow gardening gave me a new life. Its a very mindful activity. You can reconnect with your surroundings, notice the form and colours of plants and the wildlife that’s visiting. It’s a kind of active meditation. It’s also gives a great sense of purpose.

Hållbar och medveten klädvård

I samarbete med Steamery

Att ta hand om sina kläder och textilier så att de håller längre är ett stort steg mot en bättre miljö. Att använda de kläder och saker som vi redan har är alltid det mest hållbara alternativet och något som vi alla kan jobbba på att förbättra. Med några enkla steg kan du göra så att dina plagg och textilier håller längre och ser fräscha ut så att dina favoritplagg blir långlivade och därmed även mer hållbara.

Att tvätta är det som sliter mest på kläderna så jag försöker alltid dra ut så mycket det går på det. Många gånger räcker det att vädra, kanske spraya på lite linnevatten och plagget går att använda igen. Material som ull har en självrengörande egenskap så ull behöver man inte tvätta lika ofta alls vilket är en av många anledningar till att jag älskar ull så mycket. Däremot kan det bli lite nopprigt och se lite slitet ut vilket jag inte gillar alls. En noppbortagare av något slag är därför en väldigt bra investering som gör att plaggen omedelbart ser fräscha ut.

Ett annat tips är att investera i en steamer och anledningarna är många. Ångan i steamern fungerar antibakteriellt så jag steamar alltid ullplagg som jag köpt vintage. Kavajer, tröjor eller kappor är några exempel. Den tar bort skrynklor, ytlig smuts, allergener och ofräscha lukter. Jag har gärna i lite ekologiskt linnevatten i min steamer för ännu fräschare effekt. Ofta är kläder inte direkt smutsiga och mår bättre av att bara fräschas upp, som till exempel en skjorta, kavaj, tröja eller ett par byxor som använts en dag. Eftersom ångan består av 100% vatten är den också skonsamt mot din hud. Bättre för dig, bättre för miljön!

Den bästa steamern jag har provat hittils är denna från Steamery Den är en fusion mellan steamer och strykjärn. Vattenbehållaren är liten men räcker ändå länge. Förut har min stora frustration varit att man måste fylla på vatten hela tiden och att man knappt kan steama ett plagg förrän behållaren är tom. Så är det inte med Steamery’s nya Iron steamer vilket gör att den blivit min absoluta favorit. Jag använder den i princip på allting! Utöver kläder så använder jag den tex även på:

  • soffklädseln för en snabb uppräschning
  • gardiner som sitter uppe
  • sängkläder som ska fotas
  • duken som har vikmärken men redan ligger på bordet

Med rätt klädvård förlänger du klädernas livslängd. Det gör också så att kläderna bibehåller färg och form över längre tid. Klädvård bidrar även till minskad konsumtion.

Iron steamer Sand
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